LALIBELA: Faith and Devotion in the Mountains of Ethiopia

LALIBELA: Faith and Devotion in the Mountains of Ethiopia

I am fascinated with the idea of faith. Specifically, I am drawn to places where I can witness and capture the power of faith. Devotion, spirituality, worship - whatever you may call it - I am intrigued by people with high levels of reverence and enthusiasm for something beyond the physical. Religious observances are particularly interesting to me, so it only made sense that I head to Lalibela, Ethiopia to photograph the celebration of Orthodox Christian Christmas. 

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ETHIOPIA'S OMO VALLEY: Enlightening, Challenging, Humbling

ETHIOPIA'S OMO VALLEY: Enlightening, Challenging, Humbling

I feel like I’ve been seeing photographs of the tribal people who live in Ethiopia since I was little. As a young girl growing up in the suburbs of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, I had no idea where these people lived, but I was fascinated nonetheless by the women with the lip plates, all the colorful beads they wore, their seemingly easy way of life. When I decided to go back to Ethiopia earlier this year, I knew I had to visit the Omo Valley and photograph these interesting people for myself. I wanted to truly live out a “National Geographic moment.” 

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ON SAFARI IN KENYA: finding peace in the stillness

ON SAFARI IN KENYA: finding peace in the stillness

Some three weeks ago, I returned from a week on safari in the Maasai Mara of Kenya. The trip was everything I had hoped it would be -- and more. I didn't just come home with 4,000+ images; I also came home with a newfound appreciation for the calm I've created in my life since I stopped working. Read more about the unexpected ways in which this trip moved me - and why I still can't stop thinking about my time there.

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